Bikuben Foundation Otto Mønsteds Gade 5 1571 Copenhagen V Denmark

Bikuben Foundation

The Bikuben Foundation has its historical roots in the mission of the savings bank movement. The Bikuben savings bank (“Sparekassen Bikuben”) was established in 1857 not only with the commercial aim of operating as a bank – it was also to use some of its profits for charitable purposes.

Today, the mission of the Bikuben savings bank is pursued with respect for its historical roots in the savings bank movement. This is reflected in the articles governing the Bikuben Foundation and in the broad spectrum of initiatives within culture, education and social issues as well as natural resources and the environment.

The Bikuben Foundation is no longer involved in banking activities.

Today the Bikuben Foundation supports mainly social and cultural projects throughout Denmark and Greenland. These include special projects for vulnerable children and young people, exibition activities and performing arts.

We are behind the annual Reumert Award (Denmark’s main theatre award, equivalent to e.g. the Tony Awards) The Crown Prince Couple’s Award and The Exibition Award Vision. The purpose of these awards is to pay tribute to innovative and ground-breaking projects or personalities in Denmark and Greenland, to recognize and promote them as the best role models for others in these fields.

As part of our vision to be actively engaged in caring for and preserving Danish natural resources, we own and manage Svanninge Bjerge, a forest on Funen. Funds are not allocated to other projects involving natural resources.


To make lasting improvements to the societies of Denmark and Greenland, through the promotion of culture, education, natural resources and social work.

Geographic Focus

Denamrk and Greenland

Programme Areas

Stage art/theatre
Exhibitions and arts
Talent development (arts)
Homeless youngsters and adults
Poverty and vulnerable families
Youth community projects
Children and youngsters in Greenland
Arts as a Driver of social change
Nature as a driver of social change

Bikuben Foundation Social Media